DIAN Noticias Mundo: Información fiscal y aduanera, con un panorama completo de las noticias nacionales e internacionales que le importan | The crowding-out effect of tobacco consumption. Tobacco consumption reduces expenditure on essential goods. – CIEP
The crowding-out effect of tobacco consumption. Tobacco consumption reduces expenditure on essential goods. – CIEP
In Mexico, tobacco consumption crowds out spending on essential goods and services like education and health care while increasing expenditure on harmful goods like alcoholic beverages. Lower-income households are most impacted by crowding out and see the greatest reduction in expenditure on health care and education. aquí Tobacco control policies, including tobacco taxes, are effective at reducing consumption. The additional revenue from tobacco taxes could be used to fund the implementation of comprehensive tobacco control policies aimed at maximizing smoking cessation and channeling more resources into the health and education sectors.